
The National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies

Our Mission

The mission of the National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies is to facilitate collaboration on regulatory issues while respecting the autonomy of each member organization to fulfill their regulatory mandate.


The NARTRB shall be responsible for:

  1. Establishing minimum entry to practice standards
  2. Facilitating labour mobility across Canadian jurisdictions
  3. Harmonizing registration practices across Canadian jurisdictions
  4. Sharing information on regulatory issues as it relates to each member organization’s regulatory mandate.
  5. Collaborating, sharing information and developing strategies to address professional practice issues as it relates to the protection of the public.
  6. Participating as a key stakeholder with many individuals and organizations on issues and initiatives that impact the regulatory environment and the practice of respiratory therapy.

© 2024 The National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies | Website by SMS